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Jocelyn Interviewed by Plastic Oceans Canada!

Eek! As you can see from the title, LOOP Project founder Jocelyn was contacted by the amazing people over at Plastic Oceans Canada for an interview, as they wanted to feature her as their ‘Local Hero’ for December 2021!

Jocelyn started following Plastic Oceans Canada on their Instagram page a few months ago as she thought their organization and efforts against plastic pollution were incredibly inspiring. We started interacting on each other’s social media accounts, and one day while Jocelyn was on my lunch break at work, she received a message from one of their staff asking if she would be interested in doing an interview for their blog as they really liked what we were doing with LOOP!

For Jocelyn reading that message was like that moment on Christmas morning as a kid when you get all excited and giddy to wake up and get going (she also may have cried with excitement when she read the message…). Of course Jocelyn accepted, as she thought it was so incredibly nice of them to ask her.

When Jocelyn started LOOP, she genuinely thought this was going to be a blog for her to look back on her time with the OceanBridge Ambassador Program. She never thought things would turn out the way they have, getting people in and outside of the veterinary industry talking about plastic pollution. This project has become Jocelyn’s second home, and she loves every moment of working on it.

Thank you again PlasticOceansCanada for the opportunity to share the LOOP Project story with their followers, and also to Jocelyn’s fellow practice co-workers; Benjamin, her mentor; and Jocelyn’s partner, Glenn, for supporting her throughout this entire journey.

We promise the LOOP Project will continue on the hamster-wheel that is pushing for plastic reduction in veterinary medicine!